We Solve Complex Bioengineering Problems

Medical Device Analysis

Need help with your medical device design and testing needs? We help you identify design flaws early and perform the right testing to save time and money. Learn More …


Want to avoid building useless prototypes at enormous expense? Do you need to test them in animal experiments and preclinical studies? Let Insilicomed perform studies in silico. Learn more …

Analytical Capabilities

Insilicomed uses patient-specific simulations to construct libraries of heart disease models. Do you need to know how your novel technology behaves as disease condtions vay? Learn more …

Medical Device Analysis

Cardiovascular and Ocular Device Consultants


  • Cardiac mechanics
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Heart failure
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Rubber and soft tissue mechanics
  • Tissue-device interaction

Professional, Fast, Affordable

Analytical Capabilities

  • Finite element analysis: high-order elements, curvilinear coordinates
  • Stress analysis: soft tissue, tissue-device interaction, principal stresses
  • Strain measurement and analysis: principal strains, large deformations
  • Large deformation mechanics: finite elasticity; rubber and soft tissue mechanics

Got a Project? Let’s Talk.

Do you have a project in mind or an idea you would like to discuss? Call us at: (619)-501-8894.

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Or call us at (619) 501-8894.